Provincial Exam Day - Spring 2018!
Any NSFA/NFLA exam can be written on this day. You must register in advance to be able to write - this is so we can have the exam ready for you when you arrive.
Please note: merely writing and passing an exam does NOT equal being certified. No certifications will be awarded until ALL of the requirements for the credential are complete.
Where: Mount St. Vincent University, Rosaria Centre, Student Union's Board Room (1st floor).
When: Saturday June 30th from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
Fees (*please read all of the options below):
- Students who are writing an exam for a course they took with NSFA do not have to pay a fee for their exam as it is included in the course fee.
- Anyone challenging an exam (i.e.you didn't take our course but feel you have enough knowledge to pass the exam) must pay $25 to take the exam; $75 for the PT exam. This includes people who took courses from any organization that is not a member of the NFLA. For other NFLA organizations, see below.
- If you took the online ET course through Manitoba Fitness Council you must also pay the $25 exam fee to NSFA.
- If you took any courses from another NFLA member board (FNB, OFC, MFC, AFLCA, SPRA or BCRPA) please contact us no less than 10 days before your exam to see if the exam fee is being transferred to us from your original province or if it needs to be paid to NSFA.
To pay the fee you can select the fee option in this event registration page or you can bring cash or a cheque (written to Nova Scotia Fitness Association) to the exam.
All exams, except PT, are 1 hour. PT is 3 hours. Anyone needing more time due to disabilities or language barrier, please request this by email no less than 10 days before the exam.
All exams are closed-book and electronic devices are not permitted except for calculators. We will have a few calculators on hand for those who do not bring their own. Extra pencils, erasers and sharpeners will also be available for those who do not bring their own.
Good luck everyone!