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Membership is due annually on June 15th.



This is the Members-only section of the website. Here you will find resources and information exclusive to current NSFA members.

Content is available on the following pages:

- Resources

- Announcements

- Documents - Including the Confirmation of Insurance (COI) document

- Job Postings

If you have suggestions or requests for things to be added to this section of the website, please send them to info@nsfitness.ca.

We also have a Members-only Group on Facebook:


*Please note* You will be asked to identify that you're a current NSFA member when you request to join this group. This is to keep spammers & bots out of the group. If you don't answer we can't admit you. Also, if your Facebook account is not using the same name as you use with us, we might not know who you are to be able to approve you. 

The Nova Scotia Fitness Association is a non-profit organization.

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. 

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