5th Annual Fall Fitness Brunch & 30th Anniversary Celebration!
We are very pleased to announce that the presenter for the Brunch this year is the NSFA's very own Heather Creamer! She will be presenting her expert knowledge and experience in working with fitness clients who have Lymphedema.

Seminar Outline: You will learn-
- What is Lymphedema, how it develops, associated risks and the 4 stages
- What questions you need to ask to determine if your client is at risk for Lymphedema
- How to take baseline measurements in the potentially affected limb
- The Exercise Protocol to follow for Lymphedema prevention
- Upper and Lower body Lymphatic Drainage Exercises you should have your at-risk-client do before each workout
At the end of this seminar, you will have the information you need so that you can help your client reduce their risk for developing Lymphedema while exercising.
Presenter : Heather Creamer, MBA, CES, PFT, R.H.N., CCP
Location: Mount St. Vincent University,
166 Bedford Highway, Halifax.
Building & Room: Seton Academic Centre, room 404 (Faculty Lounge)
Click HERE for the MSVU Campus Map. Seton Academic Centre is building #5 on the map.
Presentation Topic:
This seminar will provide you with the information you NEED to know as a Fitness Professional working with clients who may be at risk!
According to the Canadian Cancer Society, one in two Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, that is an astounding number! Chances are that as a Fitness Professional, in your career, you will have someone as a client, or in your group training, that is a survivor. But will you know how to structure or modify their program to mitigate their risk for Lymphedema?
Why learning about Lymphedema is critical when working with survivors.
Cancer survivors are at a higher risk for developing Lymphedema, a swelling that occurs when lymph fluid can’t flow normally and builds up in the soft tissues of a limb or other areas of the body. Currently there are over 1 million Canadians living with Lymphedema; it is a serious, and in some cases, irreversible condition that can occur in up to 50% of breast cancer survivors or in anyone who has had cancer surgery with lymph nodes removed. Factor in treatments such as radiation or a BMI of over 30 and the risks are even higher.
Any Fitness Professional can benefit from this seminar; whether you are a Personal Trainer, Group Instructor, Pilates or Yoga Instructor, a Coach or anyone who trains survivors, knowledge for reducing the risk of Lymphedema for your client is critical. Our clients and group participants rely on us as Fitness Professionals to guide them safely and effectively through an exercise program, to help them achieve their fitness and health goals. But what if some of the practices we do put them at risk for developing Lymphedema? We can’t just rely on what the client may know, because many survivors don’t know what exercise risks are associated with the development of Lymphedema, that is our job to know as a Fitness Professional. Even clients who were “in great shape” prior to surgery and treatment have no idea what their body can now handle.
Learn what exercise protocols to follow, and what you should avoid, to reduce putting your client at risk for Lymphedema.
About our presenter: Heather Creamer, MBA, CES, PFT, R.H.N., CCP
Heather Creamer is a Fitness and Nutrition Professional who loves what she does! She is an 8 year breast cancer survivor, who through her own journey after surgery and treatment, found a renewed passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle, lost 45 pounds in the process, and has transitioned that passion into helping her clients to achieve their own health and fitness goals; with a speciality practice in Cancer Exercise.
Heather is a proud member of the NSFA, a Personal Fitness Trainer (NSFA, Nova Scotia Fitness Association and ISSA, International Sports Science Association), a Cancer Exercise Specialist (Cancer Exercise Training Institute) a Certified Coach Practitioner (Certified Coaches Federation) and a graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (R.H.N). She has certifications in Mat Pilates for Cancer Exercise, Bosu Balance Trainer and Group TRX.
Heather also earned an MBA from the Sobeys School of Business at St Mary’s University.
Heather is the current Canadian National Affiliate for the Cancer Exercise Training Institute and the Chief Operating Officer of MedeXN Fitness Institute (www.medexn.com ), an online provider of Certifications and Courses (CEC’s) for Health and Fitness Professionals, including the Cancer Exercise Specialist® Advanced Qualification. She is a co-author, (along with Andrea Leonard, Founder of the Cancer Exercise Training Institute), of “The Survivors Guide to Lymphedema: What you haven’t been told- And what you need to Know”, which will be published this fall.
Heather Creamer, MBA, CES, PFT, R.H.N., CCP
Co-Founder, COO
MedeXN fitness INSTITUTE
CETI Canada
Phone: 1-902-497-4268
Email: heather@medexn.com
“Exercise Your Knowledge to Elevate Above”