Exercise Theory (ET)
Learn the technical knowledge required for all NSFA/NFLA teaching certificates.

Please note:
- Registration closes 1 week before the course begins
- This course is 6 evenings in the classroom Via ZOOM software
- The exam is NOT written during the course.*
- This course is required for the completion of all fitness teaching certificates. It is not a certificate to teach by itself.
This is the pre-requisite module in the Nova Scotia Fitness Association’s (NSFA) Certification Program. This course covers the Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Bio-mechanics, Nutrition, Safety and Legal Liability required to successfully complete the course work, and to work in the exercise industry with one of our specialization certificates.
Dates: February 2, 9, 16, 23 and March 2, & 9.
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Fee: $300.00
Fee includes: manuals, materials, exams, and NSFA/NFLA associate membership for 1 year. ***Please fill in your full mailing address if you're outside of the Halifax area so we can mail your manuals to you***
Payment: You can pay online via PayPal (this website will take you to the PayPal interface when you complete the registration information) or you can pay by cheque. The NSFA does not accept any credit cards or e-transfers. Payment must be received before the course begins.
Course Conductor(s): Terri Roberts, Linda Donelley, Doreen MacLean
(See our course conductor's bios here: http://www.nsfitness.ca/Staff-&-Board)
Exams: Normally we book a Provincial Exam Day in January and June every year for students to write any NSFA exam. Due to COVID-19 we don't know yet if we can't hold those days. We will therefore be doing everyone's exams by private proctoring via Zoom until we can resume in-person exams. A session with an exam proctor can be booked after your course is finished.