NSFA Exam Day - Spring 2024!

Any NSFA/NFLA exam can be written on this day. You must register in advance to be able to write - this is so we can have the exam ready for you when you arrive.
Registration for this Exam Day closes on Friday, June 21/2024.
Please note: merely writing and passing an exam does NOT equal being certified. No certifications will be awarded until ALL of the requirements for the credential are complete.
Where: Room 212 Rosaria Center, MSVU, Halifax
When: Saturday, June 22 2024 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. (12: 00 pm for PT)
Fees (*please read all of the options below):
- Students who are writing an exam for a course they took with NSFA do not have to pay a fee for their exam as it is included in the course fee.
- Anyone challenging an exam (i.e. you didn't take our course but feel you have enough knowledge to pass the exam) must pay $35 to take the exams for ET, RT, GEL, OAL, AEL, ICE, or MBL. Written exams for PT are $80.
To pay the fee you can select the fee option in this event registration page or you can bring cash or a cheque (written to Nova Scotia Fitness Association) to the exam.
All written exams are 1 hour, except PT which is 2 hours. Anyone needing more time due to disabilities or a language barrier, please request this by email (to exams@nsfitness.ca) no less than 3 days before the exam.
Note : Please bring a manual calculator. (you can find one at the dollar store, if needed). All exams are closed-book and electronic devices are not permitted except for manual calculators. Make sure to bring a pen/pencil with you. Scrap paper will be provided for any calculations.
Good luck everyone!