Please note:

Please see our Refund Policy for full details on refunds of events & courses.

We accept payments via credit cards. We can also accept payment via cheque.  If you are mailing a cheque our address is at the bottom of this page (and every page of our website). Payment must be received before attending the event or certification.

For courses & events held via Zoom please make sure your Zoom account, camera set-up etc. is in place before the event/course starts. If you are new to Zoom you can find tutorials on the Zoom YouTube channel.

If a course you want is full please add yourself to the wait list (the wait list option will be visible when you try to register). Many times people de-register before the course begins allowing wait listed students to get in. If a course has a significant wait list we will also look at putting on an additional offering or we will attempt to find a larger venue.

Our courses & events will be offered are offered throughout the year, please check back regularly. If there is one that you are interested in that hasn't been posted, send us an inquiry via email to 

Thank you,


The Nova Scotia Fitness Association is a non-profit organization.

For course descriptions and full certification requirements, including a free checklist for each certification, please see our Certifications page. 

NSFA courses may be taken in any order, but all of the courses required for each certification must be completed (including passing all exams) before the certification will be issued. A course by itself is not a certification or a credential for teaching/training.

Exercise Theory is now offered online! Click on our Certifications page for more details!

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.  

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